After a morning jog or any workout session, our body needs specific nutrients to repair muscles and stabilize blood sugar levels and refill lost energy. You feel exhausted, tired and hungry post morning run. So, it is essential to eat a mix of foods that can improve recovery and boost up the energy level in your body. So, read on to know about the 8 foods to eat after a workout. 1. Greek Yogurt Greek yogurt also known as powerhouse of low fat protein has double the amount of protein and carbohydrates compared to regular yogurt. You can mix yogurt with cereal, oats and fruits because fruits pack micro-nutrients and vitamins which have been proven to fight muscle soreness. “Mix it with cereal or fruit,” recommends Dr. Louise Burke, head of Sports Nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport and co-author of The Complete Guide to Food for Sports Performance: Peak Nutrition for Your Sport. 2. Milk Milk is another drink that can be our post-workout drink. Milk contains … [Read more...]