GENOVA: No one goes to Liguria and Genova, the region’s main city for its food. At least no one did for many years. But young chef Simone Vesuviano and Giorgia Losi of Trattoria dell’ Acciughetta are working to change this. Ask many Italians who know their food and they would struggle to give you recommendations of where to eat in this region of Italy. Despite giving the world amazing olives like 'taggiasche' or more importantly pesto the region does not have a reputation when it comes to food. Giorgia Losi, who worked in marketing, had other ideas. Fed up with her desk job in Milan she invested in a restaurant in Piazza Sant' Elena in Genova close to the port which made the city famous throughout history. It was part of the town which no one in Genova wanted to visit but that has slowly start to change. Just off Via Prè, this was an area that all Genovese used to avoid. 10 days after opening the restaurant she was joined by the 19 year-old Simone Vesuviano. Today, at 23, … [Read more...]