BRUSSELS: A new book written by food writer René Sepul and published by Sh-op Editions puts Wallonia, the French speaking part of Belgium, in the spotlight.
La Wallonie, à pleines dents is the follow-up to the book Mange Wallonie published six years ago.
“A lot has changed in the past six years in Wallonia. The book is a portrait of some of the positive developments in the region. Chefs have moved forward and are showcasing producers more and more,” said René in his introduction to this book.
The author said the choice of chefs and restaurants is subjective but offers a view of Wallonia today. The book portrays 30 different chefs from different gastronomic restaurants, brasseries and bistros as well as a café and wine bar.
This deliberate mix is aimed to showcase what is on offer in this Belgian region.
The book was published in the week when René’s previous book La Bonne Addresse written together with chocolatier Pierre Marcolini on their favourite places in Brussels was listed as one of the top food books of the year by Vice.
“Croquer la vie à pleines dents” from where the title of the book is inspired is a French expression from the 15th century which represents the best moments in life and enjoying good food.
René sits with the chefs as well as ‘foodies’ and more importantly brewers, wine makers, sommeliers and producers to learn about their know-how, their traditions and their stories. All the chefs, in one way or another, give particular attention to the terroir of the region they work.

The book also has a list of recipes from the featured chefs, some easy, some more complicated and an address book of the main artisans in the region from butchers to bakers, chocolatiers to brewers and much more.
The restaurants included in the book are D’Eugenie a Emilie (Baudour), Le Faitout (Baudour), Sel & Poivre (Hollain) La Petite Gayole (Thuin), La Table du Boucher (Mons), Table et Chambre Particulière (Mons), ICOOK (Mons), L’Eveil des Sens (Montignies), Le Val D’Heure (Montignies), L’Esprit Bouddha (Gosselies), Chermanne (Charleroi), Au Gré du Vent (Seneffe), Divino Gusto (Nivelles), Little Paris (Waterlook), Tero (Bierges), Gustave (Grez-Doiceau), Vino Vino (Namur), Pépite (Namur), Lucana (Wanze), Le Beau Séjour & Le bar à Thym (Nassogne), Table de Maxime (Our), Auberge de Moulin hideux (Noirefontaine), La Grappe d’or (Torgny), Le Cor de Chasse (Wéris), Sophie et Nicolas (Comblain La Tour), Le Coudes sur la Table (Embourg), L’Air de rien (Esneux), Brasserie de la Gare (Liege), L’O de Source (Spa) and La Menuiserie (Liege).
Sh-op Editions is a publisher based in Brussels specialised in high-quality gastronomy books. Among the latest publications are Bruxelles, la Bonne Addresse, Aimer le Vin, Chez Leon, une friture Bruxelloise, Mange Bruxelles remet le Couvert and Le Pilori.
The book, in French, is written by author René Sepul with photography by Cici Olsson. It is available in the main book stores in Belgium as well as online.

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