COPENHAGEN: René Redzepi’s bet to reopen as a burger and wine bar was rewarded on the first day of reopening. At 7pm, Noma announced at around 7pm that they had sold out their burgers and wines on the first day of reopening.
Criticised by some for reopening in the most humble of manners, long ‘social-distanced’ queues formed to get a taste of the Noma Viking Burger and the vegetarian burger and enjoy a sip of wine from the wine bar in the gardens of the restaurant.
Local formed queues to be served at one of the world’s best restaurants.
When announcing the decision, Redzepi had said that ‘these are crazy and uncertain times. Before we reopen Noma as we know it, we will transform it into a no reservation, drop in only, wine and burger bar.”
“We feel that we want to be open for all. We need to heal. So let’s have a glass and a burger. You are all invited,” the chef said.
Redzepi said that eventually the wine bar will start serving oysters, crudités and other small bites that one normally finds in a winebar.
The new outdoor space seats 65. The chef knows that the world spotlight is on him but he is still excited to be serving burgers and ice-creams for children.
While the chef is expecting to reopen the fine dining restaurant he is also thinking about whether it would be possible to retain a space for a more casual experience with no reservations.
Redzepi has always shown gratitude for the support provided by the Danish government and has often cited the support that European governments have given to the restaurant industry over the past few weeks. He is of the view that the restaurant industry will be incredibly hard hit over the next year.
The restaurant has an option for take away for both food and wine with orders accepted at the door. Preorders for 10 or more burgers are accepted no later than 10am that day via burger@noma.dk.

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