EIT Food West is launching a plastic free campaign aimed at forcing people to think about their plastic waste and consequences affecting our mother Earth as well as our personal wellbeing.
The campaign starts on Monday 1 June and runs for 33 days. During these days, EIT Food West and its ambassadors (among them vegGo from France) and and Le Castel de Bois Genoud from Switzerland) will help you with useful tips and tricks on how to reduce single-use plastics in your daily life
The Plastic Free Challenge ‘ZERO PLASTIC HERO’ designed by EIT Food West is fuelled by creative and useful tips and tricks on how to go ‘food plastic free’. It is aimed to inspire and engage people, rather than just to inform.
Single-use plastics have become a plague on our environment. They are so deep-rooted in our daily lives that they are hard to escape and very often we think life without single-use plastics is simply not possible anymore. It holds a massive presence in modern life – for instance at home, on the go, in the shops, at schools, kindergartens, work, hospitals, restaurants and coffee bars.

Not to mention when on holidays. While we enjoy the fresh air, soak up rays on the beach and restfully chill out in the ocean, marine life, birds, and other animals are nibbling on our plastic rubbish as if it was their usual diet. Just look at the EIT Food West goat Matilda – dreaming about a fresh juicy grass, but all she got was a bag full of plastic.
The impacts of plastic pollution are not only threatening animals and nature. It is ultimately endangering our own health and wellbeing. Just think about it – the food the animals eat, the water they drink, and how about the water and land being used to grow our vegetables and fruits – at the end, all food ends up in our bodies. Plastic has been causing staggering contamination globally, thus affecting our whole ecosystem.

The good news is that each one of us can shape our own future. We have the power to cut down our own bad habits, thereby inspiring others, spreading the message and pay it forward. The only question is: where do we start? Since single-use plastic is such an integral part of our lives.
The campaign
When: The Plastic-Free Campaign ‘ZERO PLASTIC HERO’ will kick-off on 1st June and end on 3rd July – the International Plastic Free Day.
Where: Follow EIT Food West Facebook. @EITFoodWest
How: Like EIT Food West FB page, follow daily tips, and share your experience about going plastic free. A surprise gift is there for the most inspiring stories!
Lastly, spread the news and engage more people around you.
EIT Food West is driven by passionate and dedicated team from their office in Leuven, Belgium. The team actively operates across its region, which encompasses Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Luxemburg. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Food is the largest network organization in the field of Food Innovation in Europe. EIT Food is building a unique network of diverse partners that provide a holistic view of the food value chain, including key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres, and universities from across Europe, all working together to deliver an innovative and sustainable food sector.
VegGO is a food truck, as well as a bowl bar, offering vegetarian and zero waste street food. Its cuisine philosophy is based on zero waste from farm to bowl, with local, seasonal and mostly organic ingredients. VegGO’s menu follows the rhythm of the seasons and is inspired by recipes from around the world for a healthy and affordable meal.
Le Castel de Bois Genoud is a restaurant offering mainly organic products for more than 25 years. It is located in the heart of the Domaine de Bois Genoud which includes, among other things, a biodynamic farm labelled “Demeter”, an organic store “Le Sureau”, and a Waldorf school.
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