VIENNA: The second chapter of the GELINAZ! Silent voices on tour will be held on 11 July. The collective of chefs headed by Andrea Petrini and Patricia Meunier returns after a forced pause because of lockdowns making the organisation of such dinners impossible.
The first chapter was held last December in various cities around the world and while the European leg was scheduled for the end of January, the pandemic wrecked havoc with those plans. Now, the Healthy Boy Band, three Austrian chefs who have been embracing improvisation and anarchy, will be performing in Vienna cooking live for 9 hours in the Viennese Club Prater-Strasse. Philip Rachinger of Muhltalhof in Neufelder, Lukas Mraz of Mraz & Sohn in Vienna, and Felix Schellhorn of Der Seehof – Goldegg will remix the matrixes written by what GELINAZ! calls the ‘Silent Voices’. These are worldwide restauranteurs who remain anonymous till the end.
Each of the nine courses will be remixed by the three chefs in a one hour DJ/Live set on the dance floor. New recipes will be created specifically for the event.
GELINAZ! is an international collective of chefs that today includes over 300 chefs and 50 nationalities. Launched in 2005, its mission is to blast open new culinary expressions by pushing chefs out of their comfort zone. Performative events are created putting chefs on the spot and immersing audiences into mulit-sensorial experiences where food and art intertwine.
In October 2020, after more than 15 events, GELINAZ! launched its new project the Silent Voices to pay tribute to cooks and chefs that were hit hard by the pandemic. With no restaurants, no projects and no way to express themselves, GELINAZ! wanted to give them back their voices with the loudest dinner of all time.
Events were held throughout Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, Thailand, India, Peru, Mexico and Taiwan and is now ready to return with the first event in Europe in July and which will be followed by more events later this summer.
“We’ve been in Austria before. Back in 2017 when GELINAZ! Does Upper Austria stirred things up with what writer Melinda Joe rightly called the culinary event of the decade. “Austria is home to some of the most innovative and alternative chefs. What’s strange is that this avant-garde scene is mostly under the radar. Something is really going on here. One needs to come see this,” Andrea Petrini and Patricia Meunier, heads of the GELINAZ! Collective said.
“Between COVID, which nailed down all the chefs at home, and the environmental crisis, which makes us all question the need to travel by plane, it felt obvious to rethink what an event should be,” said the organisers. “No more chefs travelling half the globe for a dinner. From now on, the ones travelling are the menus, the recipes and the ideas. Once the ideas reach the destination, they are remixed by local chefs.
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