ANTWERP: Ten Belgian chefs from Flanders will be kicking off a festive week around The World’s 50 Best Restaurants with what promises to be a spectacular culinary event called Flanders Finest. The World’s 50 Best Restaurants will be held in October.
On Friday 1 October, 10 of Belgium’s top chefs will prepare a 10 course dinner that will be bring together some of the leading three and two Michelin star chefs in the country. This is a first for Flanders as these chefs, which total 23 Michelin stars between them, will cook together for the first time.
The event takes place at the brand new Botanic Sanctuary hotel which opens in Antwerp later this year.
Flanders Finesh brings together chefs from the different provinces of Flanders. Peter Goosseens from Hof van Cleve and Michael Vrijmoed represent East Flanders. West Flanders will be represented by Gert de Mangeleer (Hertog Jan) and Tim Boury (Boury). Christophe Hardiquest of Bon Bon Restaurant in Brussels will be representing the Belgian capital while Antwerp will provide three chefs, Viki Geunes of Zilte, Nick Bril of The Jane and Thierry Theys of Nuance. Limbourg is represented by Jan Tournier of Cuchara and Ralf Berendsen of Ralf Berendsen.
The event is being organised with the support of the City of Antwerp. A seat at the table costs 550 euros includes four appetizers prepared by TIm Boury, Nick Bril, Jan Tournier and Michael Vrijmoed. The six course menu will be in the hands of Gert de Mangeleer, Ralf Berendsen, Peter Goossens, Christophe Hardique and Viki Geuenes who will work with top products such as caviar, scallop, wagyu, tomato, langoustine, lobster and pigeon. Thierry Theys is responsibe for the dessert. Customised wines will be served with each dish selected by Ad Bibendum.
Two of Belgium’s top artisans, Van Tricht and Pierre Marcolini will present a cheese and chocolate buffet respectively.
Reservations for tables of between 6 to 10 people opened today. The event takes place on Friday 1 October at 6pm.
The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2021 takes place in Antwerp on Tuesday 5 October. The event was postponed last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first time that Belgium hosts the event.
The event is organised by Flip Dejaeghere known on social media as Flip World Foodie and Baltazhar Events.
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