NEW YORK: Daniel Humm, the chef of Eleven Madison Park that turned plant-based last year is doubling down with a new service called Eleven Madison Home. The subscription service aims to encourage customers to eat a plant-based diet for at least one day a week because Daniel Humm that even this would have a positive impact.
The pack which arrives at your home every week includes a day’s worth of meals that allow subscribers the chance to enjoy discoveries from the restaurant in the comfort of their homes while learning about a world of farmers, artisans, flavours and ingredients.
Daniel Humm said that turning Eleven Madison Park into a plant-based restaurant has been the most exciting time of his entire career as a chef. “It has been meaningful and expansive. We are writing an entirely new language, one that challenges us to be creative and continuously learn. It is exciting to cook and eat this way. What we first thought might be limiting has proven instead to be invigorating,” he said.
He said he made a commitment to use his creativity towards a plant-based future because that’s where our food system needs to go. “I am not a scientist, nor climate change expert but I am a chef. I see the shift happening to our world first-hand in the quality and availability of ingredients and how they are sourced. We need to rethink the norms and we need to rewrite the rules. This was of eating is better for the planet and our health.” he said.
He said that with Eleven Madison Home they were starting small but this was just the beginning.
Daniel Humm said that what really inspired him to create Eleven Madison Home was the reaction of guests at the restaurant who would tell him “If I could eat this way, I would be plant-based all the time.” He said at first he thought this was a lovely encouragement of the massive change that they had made until it dawned on him that there was something there for them to explore.
“Could we do more to bring that happiness to people outside the restaurant? Without preaching about it, could we do more to encourage people to fall in love with a plant-based lifestyle?” he said.
He said that adjusting habits is not easy and this is especially true for food but it can happen little by little as long as it does not feel like a sacrifice.
Every purchase with Eleven Madison Home contributes directly to one-plant based meal given out with Rethink Food which combats food insecurity in New York through the Eleven Madison Truck by providing meals to those most in need.
Why we should be rooting for Daniel Humm
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