ZEDELGEM: “When one door closes, another opens.” Gert de Mangeleer and Joachim Boudens, the duo behind the successful Hertog Jan Group have announced that Bar Bulot, their bistrot/brasserie concept of traditional Belgian/French food will be moving from Sint Michiels in Bruges to the former location of Hertog Jan in Zedelgem.
The location of the current Bar Bulot was until today the cradle of the group’s activities. It was there that Hertog Jan grew from an ambitious young restaurant to three Michelin stars. It was there that the Belgian dup experimented with L.E.S.S. Eatery as a pop-up before they opened it in the centre of Bruges and it was there that Bar Bulot was able to grow to a Michelin star from scratch and to develop into a ‘franchise’ with a second opening in Antwerp at the Botanic Sanctuary hotel.
Zedelgem is the place where Gert and Joachim developed Hertog Jan into one of the most exciting restaurants in the global culinary scene before they decided to close it and focus on other business opportunities.
They kept the magical space which includes a garden in Zedelgem on the outskirts of Bruges. Now, Bar Bulot will be moving to this space which is currently being renovated into a cozy and contemporary new home for the brasserie.
The move is what Gert and Joachim are calling the beginning of a new era. They want to say goodbye to the restaurant in Sint-Michiels with a ‘Renaissance’ Menu which will give everyone the chance to remember and say goodbye to the space. Their kitchen tam has prepared a special menu that will also be available in Bar Bulot Antwerp. This includes their signature dish the ragout of Bresse chicken in puff pastry with veal sweetbreads, hand-peeled Zeebrugge shrimps, mousseline sauce and french fries. That alone is worth the trip to either Bruges or Antwerp.
The new address from December 16 for Bar Bulot will be Loppemsestraat 52, Zedelgem.

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