Have you washed that salad you bought from a supermarket that has been labeled as washed? If not, you might think twice the next time you open that bag and serve it without washing it. This is the description of what your salad label really means:
“Washed and ready-to-eat salads: Cleaned by sloshing around in tap water dosed with chlorine, often with powdered or liquid fruit acids to inhibit bacterial growth. The same tank of treated water is often used for 8 hours at a time”.
A shocking book is being published this week by Joanna Blythman. The name of the book is Swallow This: Serving Up the Food Industry’s Darkest Secrets.
In an article written by Blythman in The Guardian last week. she writes in incredible detail on what is happening in the food industry. It is a preview of the content of the book. And believe us, it does not make pleasant reading. We have already highlighted this article as a ‘must read’ in our weekly top reads on food and wine.
But, if you’ve missed it, we wanted to raise awareness on the subject and the book because this should be really an essential read for anyone who is interested in the food we eat.
We all know that processed foods have many ingredients which are aimed at boosting colour, flavour or durability. All you need to look at to know that this is wrong is to take is a simple loaf of bread. What is needed to make bread is flour, water, yeast and salt. These four ingredients, time and patience are all that is needed to make a great loaf of bread. But next time you head to the supermarket, just take a look at the ingredients on that loaf of bread you picked up.
But there is more, food engineers can create a “natural” mature cheese by blending young, immature cheese with enzymes that intensify the flavour until it reaches ‘maturity’ within 24 to 72 hours.
We cannot wait to get out hands on the book.
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