Over 445,000 people have already signed a petition 0n Change.org launched by Jamie Oliver just a few days ago to make food education in schools compulsory.
Food and Wine Gazette is among those who have signed the petition because we share Jamie Oliver’s views that there needs to be a major rethink on the way we look at food. It is a fact that we are suffering from a global obesity epidemic. There are 42 million children under the age of five who are either overweight or obese across the world. The bottom line is that the next generation will live shorter lives than their parents unless we do something to rectify the situation.
The reasons for this are various and we have touched upon them from time to time. Education is definitely key to fighting the problem. Many times we are shocked to see children as young as the age of 2 drinking soft-drinks or eating junk food. As Jamie Oliver says, type 2 diabetes is being diagnosed in children as young as the age of 8 when this was a disease for people over the age of 40.
Jamie Oliver said that “by educating children about food in a practical, fun and engaging way, we can provide them with the knowledge and skills they so urgently need to lead healthier, happier lives. We need to make practical food education a compulsory part of every school curriculum across the world, and that’s why I’ve launched a petition calling on all G20 countries to action this. With enough support from millions of people around the world, I truly believe that we can create a movement that’s powerful enough to make governments take action.”
The famous British chef goes on to say that he believes that it is every child’s human right to learn about food. He urges millions of people to sign the petition to create a powerful movement that would force governments into action. We believe food education will really make a difference so we also join Oliver in urging you to sign the petition here.
You can also get information about Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution here.
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