Generation W, the organisation that groups chefs from Wallonia, Belgium will be organising the first Generation W Food Festival and International Congress at the Citadel of Namur on 4, 5 and 6 June 2016.
It is a bid by chefs from the French speaking part of Belgium to showcase their region and their cuisine. When we interviewed Sang-Hoon Degeimbre of L’ Air du Temps who is considered as one of Belgium’s best chefs, he had told Food and Wine Gazette that it was time for Wallonia to market itself to the rest of the world and showcase what it had to offer.
Sang-Hoon Degeimbre is one of the founders of Generation W, He said that the collective will also produce an e-magazine which will focus on in-depth articles to provide information about the culinary patrimony of the region and which will enable outsiders to discover the gastronomic wealth of this region.
This magazine aims to complement a book called Generation W Editions which was published in 2014.
Generation W was set up in September 2013. It is a grouping of 20 chefs who have a common interest and desire to showcase Wallonia’s culinary heritage. The cooks are keen to promote the producers and artisans of their respective regions. These producers are entrepreneurs who are firmly anchored in Wallonia’s economy and wish to convey a modern and creative image of Wallonia.
The group aims to make daily use of the local produce and producers thanks to the expertise acquired by its members. Generation W will also be participating in demonstrations and masterclasses at the Salon Folies Culinaries in Maastricht in October 2015.
Generation W is a collective of 20 chefs and nearly 100 producers from the Belgian regions of Brabant, Namur, Liege, Hainaut and Luxembourg.
Recently the chefs organised an unusual banquet called the Banquet 10 hands with a number of chefs taking part. The event took place at one of the producers who is part of this group, the Brasserrie de Marsinne, which produces the beer Leopold 7.
Generation W is also taking part at the Milan Expo.
The chefs that form part of Generation W are the following: Sang-Hoon Degeimbre (L’ Air du Temps), Arabelle Meirlaen (Arabelle Meirlaen), Benoit Neusy (L’Imperatif), Carl Cillain (L’Agathopede), Christophe Pauly (Le Coq aux Champs), Clement Petitjean (La Grappe d’Or), Didier Galet (Restaurant Didier Galet), Eric et Tristan Martin (Lemmonier), Fabrizzio Chirico (Le Delice du Jour), Jean-Baptiste and Christophe Thomaes (Le Chateau du Mylord), Julien Lahire (Auberge du Moulin Hideux), Laury Zioui (L’Eveil des Sens), Ludovic Vanackere (Atelier de Bossime), Mario Elias (Le Cor de Chasse), Martin Volkaerts (L’Amandier), Maxime Collard (Le Table de Maxime), Olivier Bourguignon (Le d’Arville). Philippe Fauchet (Restaurant Philippe Fauchet), Pierre Resimont (l’Eau Vive), Thomas Throupin (La Menuiserie)
In good hands. Photo by Antoine Melis
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