Parabere Forum, the non profit organisation that aims to raise awareness about women in the food and wine business has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise 5,000 euros.
After the success of the first two events that took place in Bilbao and Bari, Parabere will organise the third Forum in Barcelona in March 2017.
Maria Canabal, president of Parabere Forum, a non-profit-organisation, will use the money to fund the publicity campaign for the third campaign. “In the first two editions which took place in Spain and in Italy we communicated through the forum with some of the world’s best chefs. Today, the forum needs to widen its audience and communicate not only with female chefs but with all stakeholders within the food and wine industry globally,” says Maria in the crowd-funding page.
“For this reason, I need to communicate extensively on social media. This will help to make female chefs, farmers and entrepreneurs known.” Parabere Forum needs to employ a webmaster from January 2017 for 2 months. 3,500 euros of the sum collected will be used to pay for this post. The webmaster’s mission will be to make Parabere Forum known and also to publicise the 2017 edition in Barcelona,” Maria said.
The rest of the sum will be used to pay for a press relations officer.
Parabere Forum has a database of women working in the food and gastronomic sector. Maria says that to compile and keep it up to date requires a lot of time and energy. “If we manage to collect more than 5,000 euros, we will use the money to accelerate the process. The ultimate aim is for event organisers to be able to use the database to find female chefs, sommeliers or others in the food and wine industry,” Maria said.
The aim of Parabere Forum is to bring together leaders from all over the world – women and men – representing the government, academic circles and culture in order to give a new perspective to key issues on food. Parabere Forum wants to create a powerful, global network in order to strengthen the influence of women in the food sector. Parabere Forum also wants to draw up innovative action plans and debates to encourage women’s contribution in the food sector and promote diversity in gastronomy.
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